Mold spores are found both indoors and outdoors and cannot

be eliminated from indoor environments. Mold spores float through

the air and can even settle on dust, but they will not grow if moisture is not present. Unless mold spores land on dampness and begin growing, mold is not usually a problem indoors; however, unchecked mold growth can cause damage to drywall and furnishings, rot wood, and eventually cause structural damage to buildings. The potential for human health effects may also be a concern. 

A typical mold inspection would include a visual 
inspection for possible moisture intrusion into the home and sampling of the air quality at three locations, one outside, and two inside. One inside sample will be taken in a room where no conditions conducive to mold growth have been observed, and one in an area where mold is suspected. Additional samples can be taken upon request.

Mold test samples are sent to the lab for evaluation and a written report is supplied after receiving the results.